Who is Julian Ng?

This is Julian!

Julian is currently pursuing a bachelor degree in audio. Julian Ng has always been fascinated by the live production scene. He has gotten involved with drama productions, musical, and concerts since he was of the age of thirteen. As with others, he started on the simplest audio consoles and has made his way up to a fully-fledge digital console. By studying audio, Julian hopes to expand his knowledge in this industry. His willinginess to learn has allowed him to learn beyond the classroom.

Outside of school Julian operates as an audio operator, either monitors or front of house, for Hillsong Melbourne. It is no small feat as each service requires the highest attention to detail. A six piece band teamed with six vocalist can be overwhelming to anyone starting one. Each demands a different monitor mix and making changes on the fly gets hectic. From a front of house perspective, Julian has to find a place for each element as to ensure an balanced, but good sounding mix.

Outside of audio, Julian is also interested in lighting. Starting out from drama productions, he has made his way up to small scale concerts as an operator. He has worked as lighting tech on even bigger concerts.

Beyond operating, Julian is always keen with anything that is involved in a live production. Set designs is an area of interest and he has help other people pull of their vision. His attention to detail and his input are valued by those with a vision.

Julian is currently working with a few production companies here in Melbourne to help deliver exceptional quality in technical services. Some of the venues he works at are Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Crown Melbourne, Rod Laver Arena, Hisense Arena, Melbourne Cricket Ground, and the list continues.

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