“Hurry up and wait”
In this blog, I guess I’ll talk about the the jobs I’ve been doing and the one thing that seems to be in common across the board. The work I’m involved in usually consist of a massive space reset where everything gets stripped down, and put back up in a different spot and with different gear.
It’s like an symphony in motion. Here’s something details I can share to help you draw a picture. If you’ve been to Crown for an event, you’d probably be in no other room than Palladium. When an event is over, you have the banquets team clearing tables, moving tables, and preparign them for the next event. There is usually an external company that comes in that dose all the drape in the room, they’re in and stripping all down. There may also be an external audio visual compnay that has provided all the equipment in the room for lighting fixtures, cameras, projectors, and all other audio equipment. They’re usually wanting to get out as sooon as possible as they have been there all day. Then you have the in-house audio visual company, waiting for the externals to leave so they can set things. Then you have riggers who help swap things overs.
Everyone is wanting to do something as soon as they can. Usually there’s about four scissor lifts in the room, doing various things. The thing with at Crown, there’s a one massive lift that is used for loading in and loading out. However, everyone uses it, not only the audio visuals companies. It’s a bottle neck sometimes.
“Hurry up and wait.” This is a phrase I heard from one of my colleagues, and it just make sense. It describes the work we do super well. We can do all that we can, but sometimes we just have to wait for another party to finish so we can start. At the same time, we’ll all be waiting for each other, and at the same time be in the way as well.
It’s crazy to think how much can go on in about ten hours, and in the end the rush of things, it still attracts me.
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